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Where Does House Lizard Lay Their Eggs?

Lizards, specifically the common house gecko, are one of the few house pests that don’t pose harm or danger to humans: they don’t transfer deadly diseases like mosquitoes or cockroaches nor do they bite and suck blood from humans like bed bugs do.

But even if they don’t pose direct harm to us, they sometimes carry salmonella bacteria on their skin that is harmful to humans. Because of this, it’s important to contain and manage the number of house geckos in our home, and one way you can do this is by knowing where lizards lay thir eggs.

Read also: How to manage lizards problem at home?

Check the basement

A moist and cluttered basement is a suitable place for a female lizard to lay her eggs. Lizards lay their eggs in batches, each having at most 20 eggs per batch. In a single mating season, a female lizard can lay two to three batches which becomes an infestation problem once the eggs hatch.

One way to avoid the overpopulation of lizards is to clear your basement of clutter and keeping it dry since lizards prefer to nest in moist and dark areas around the home. Also, patch up holes and cracks where lizards from outside may enter.

Inspect cabinets under the sinks

Cabinets under kitchen sinks are another area lizards could set up their nests. Cabinets under kitchen sinks are often full of moisture since water pass through the pipes very often. It’s also highly attractive for lizards to nest under kitchen sink cabinets if there are insects nearby that they can eat or if there is a leak in the pipe that would increase the moisture inside the cabinet. Other pests, like termites, are also attracted to large amounts of moisture.

Lizard eggs take around 40 to 60 days to hatch and at least a year to mature and mate. Regularly cleaning and checking your kitchen sink cabinet will help ensure that there’s no lizard nest and clear the area of bugs that might attract a mother lizard.

Look behind the bookshelves

Before a lizard lays its eggs, it looks for a suitable hiding spot where there is little chance that a natural predator would find their eggs, and that includes humans. Hidden places, like behind bookshelves or bookcases, are places highly suitable for protective parent lizards to make their nests due to the minimal to no activity within the area.

Regularly checking hidden areas around the home will prevent lizards from finding a suitable place to make their nest inside your home. Piles of newspapers and kitchen cupboards are some areas of interest you could monitor for lizard activities.

Lizard facts

Lizards eggs and how to identify them

House lizards can lay up to three batches per mating season, with each batch containing around 20 eggs that take around 40-60 days to hatch. House lizard eggs are usually small (measuring the size of a fingernail) and white in colour. While they might be leathery to the touch, they are also very fragile. When it is close to hatching time, pink-ish veins might appear all over the eggs as well.

What you should do when you spot a lizard egg in your home

As eggs are an indication of an infestation, it is best to call a professional pest control company as they are equipped with the skills needed to remove lizard eggs safely and provide treatments to eliminate lizards in your home effectively. In addition, it is important not to resort to DIY or self-fix remedies as you may lack the pest knowledge and technical expertise to get rid of lizards effectively. Take early action to minimise damages and rectification costs including intensive treatments or furniture replacement.

When to engage a professional for lizard control?

Having a couple of lizards in your home may be harmless, but lizard population can grow tremendously fast and can become an infestation problem before you know it. Cleaning out possible nesting places will prevent an infestation from happening, but calling a pest control specialist to clear your home of lizard activity and other pests will be a wiser and safer option.

Here are 10 Interesting Lizard Facts if you’d like to know them more!

Lizards FAQ

Where do house lizards lay eggs?

Look for moist and cool corners of your home and you may find eggs (or even empty ones) that house lizards lay. Female lizards like to keep their breeding grounds dark and moist and they can lay up to 20 eggs per batch.

How do lizard lay eggs?

Lizards lay their eggs like a snake. Females burrow or hide in a moist pit to lay her eggs to keep them from drying up.

How often do lizards lay eggs?

Lizards can lay up to three batches of eggs per season and it takes around 40-60 days before the eggs hatch, giving birth to a new generation of house lizards. New lizards can take up to a year to mature and mate, repeating the process once more.

How do you know if a lizard egg is alive?

To find out if a lizard egg is alive, check for small holes or indentations. Reptile eggs are very delicate and even small holes can harm the lizard inside.

How long does it take for a lizard egg to hatch?

Once safe in a moist pit, lizard eggs take around forty to sixty days before they hatch. The new lizard babies require up to a year to mature and mate.

What do you do if you find a lizard egg?

Spotting a lizard egg can be a sign of pest infestation and you should call a local pest control specialist to perform the job for you. Do not attempt to remove the eggs on your own to avoid escalating the pest problem.

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